You may list online, by clicking on the “List a Home” link. You will then need to register if you have not listed with us before. You will then be able to fill in the details of your home and upload photos.  Remember, these photos will show our clients the décor and layout of your home, so make sure they are crisp and clear. There is a $25.00 listing fee, we accept cash, check, or PayPal online. You are responsible for resubmitting your listing form, updated photos and listing fee each year. Remember, we do not know that you are available unless you update your information each year!
Please make sure you include the front of your home, this is the first photo the client will see. We recommend taking them around Masters© time while the flowers are in bloom and your grass is green. Please use the guide in the add/delete photos section to help you take the needed pictures.  This section indicates the pictures that most clients are interested in seeing.  However, if you do not have a game room or exercise room, etc., please fill this space with another appropriate picture. We HIGHLY recommend that children’s rooms and made to look as adult as possible prior to taking photos.  Please remove any posters, stuffed animals, and children’s bedding, etc.
Of course each home is unique and the price should be determined on an individual basis by what your property has to offer (pool, pool table, etc.). Please try and speak with some of your neighbors and see what they have received in previous years. We also suggest using our website as a tool when determining price.  Look under the “Rent a Home” section and do a search for homes that are similar to yours and see what they are listed for.  This will also help you see your competition. The specific use of the home will also determine the price for the week.
Dinner homes are houses that companies are renting to be able to host their clients for dinner instead of going out to crowded restaurants. Dinners will be prepared in the home or brought in by a catering company. This is something that should be expected in renting your home. Please make sure your gas grill has a full tank of gas prior to tournament week.

These homes are rented to entertain guests and have catered dinners/parties. Like a dinner home, the details of the use of the home will be discussed before a contract is signed. Please let us know if you are interested in being a host home.

What to Expect as a Host Home

The client renting your home is responsible for any damages or losses to your property. However, normal wear and tear is the homeowner’s responsibility. You can contact your personal insurance company with regard to any short-term coverage that you may feel appropriate to cover yourself during the rental period. A contract is signed by both the homeowner and the client, stating that the home will be returned as found. However, if a problem exists, please notify Corporate Quarters, Inc. immediately in order to resolve any issues.
Corporate Quarters will send you a 1099 form for rent received as a result of renting your home during the Masters© Tournament. If you have rented your house for less than 15 days during the year, this income is not taxable.
You are allowed to list your home with multiple companies; there is no penalty for doing so. The only thing we do ask is if you get your home rented by another company, please contact us and let us know so that we can mark you rented in our system. We will continue to market your home unless otherwise notified that it has already rented.
Once you are in our system, you are available for us to market to our clients. We only contact homeowners when someone is interested in making an offer on your home or has a question about your home that we cannot answer by looking at your information and/or photos. So, please be patient and know that we will contact you when CQ has serious interest.